“Centenarians” is a short theatrical production based on a project of Oklahoma Oral History Research Program that features interviews with Oklahomans who lived to 100.
Written and directed by Julie Pearson-Little Thunder, “Centenarians” will be performed by three OSU staff and four OSU students. The production stars (in order of appearance) Tabitha Manners, Bonnie Cain-Wood, Simone Pinnock, Tiara Muhammad, Marlina Bruner, Will Weigand and John Mark Day.
"The Oklahoma 100 Year Life" oral history project explores the historical memories and legacies of Oklahoma's oldest living citizens. The oral history project is a joint effort between Tanya Finchum from the OOHRP and Alex Bishop from the OSU College of Human Sciences.
The play is sponsored by the OSU Library and the Bryan Close Professorship in Adulthood and Aging.
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